Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pregnancy at week 10

Pregnancy 10 weeks brings about a lot of human like developments in its body. It starts behaving like a human and adopts typical human behavior like urinating. The fluid, namely the amniotic fluid, in which it grows, is composed mainly of its urine. The baby undergoes several exciting developments which could fascinate you a lot if this is your first pregnancy. Your baby has now crossed the stage of embryonic period and has entered the fetal period.

Development in the baby during pregnancy at 10 weeks

  • It can now chew and even suck its fingers. Many babies, who are born with the habit of sucking fingers, were actually habituated with it since you were only 10 weeks pregnant.
  • It may even have its own distinct fingerprints
  • The brain structure is now complete
  • Its tooth sockets are formed
  • Although the placenta has not yet formed, the umbilical cord is fully developed to circulate blood.
  • The muscles of her intestines and stomach are in order to function normally
  • Though its genitals are not fully developed, and its gender cannot be determined, the basic male/ female characteristics are now apparent, because of the presence of sexual hormones.

Appearance of your baby at 10 weeks:

  • Your baby is a little more than an inch, when you are 10 weeks pregnant.
  • It is about 31 to 40 mm long, like a typical lemon.
  • The head is still relatively larger than the rest of its body
  • The eyes shifts from the side of its head towards the front
  • Its eyelids are now developed
  • Its fingers are now separated
  • Overall, it now looks a little more like a human.

You must keep in mind that though your baby is now free from the congenital malformations (the risk that prevails till the ninth week), certain activities like exposure to smoking and alcohol, can still be dangerous. So the mom must be careful from now on. It is your responsibility to protect your baby. The problems that you face now are very similar to those you had faced when you were nine weeks pregnant.

For more detail information about Pregnancy at 10 Weeks, visit here

Pregnancy at 9 weeks

Pregnancy at week 9 makes your baby a complete little fetus, which more or less looks like a human baby as the small embryonic tail does not exists any more. The yolk, which used to be the main life line of your baby at 9 weeks, has now disappeared. Its role has now been taken by the placenta. A healthy baby starts making more defined movements, which can be perceived with the help of an ultrasound. The development of the sex organs can determine the baby’s gender in another few weeks.

Development of the baby at pregnancy 9 weeks

  • The baby’s heart now beats at the rate of 170 times per minute
  • Their valves develop slowly
  • The diaphragm develops which separates the chest from the abdomen
  • The hands and feet grow more rapidly, although they are very weak
  • The body looks more defined
  • It weighs nearly I gram
  • Your baby continues to make muscle movements that help in its metabolism.
  • By now, gonads have taken the form of testes or ovaries.
  • They grow tiny teeth

Appearance of your baby at 9 weeks:

  • The baby now is the size of a grape, about 17 mm long
  • Its fingers have separated and his legs look longer and more defined.
  • However, the head of your baby is not proportional to the rest of the body when you are nine weeks pregnant. The size of the head is rather same as the size of the body
  • Though its eyes are now fully developed, it will not grow for another few weeks.
  • Its earlobes, nose, nostrils and mouth are more distinct.

Problems faced by mothers when she is 9 weeks pregnant:

  • You may have nasal congestion, nose bleeding and stuffy nose.
  • You still feel tired, dizzy and weak
  • You may witness fainting spells and vomiting sensation.
  • Your weight will increase fast from now on, as the baby is now ready for faster weight gain.
  • You may start craving for food, although it is advisable to avoid junk food

Visit here, for more detail information about Pregnancy at 9 Weeks

Monday, July 26, 2010

Pregnancy Week 8

Pregnancy Week 8
From 8th week pregnancy, your baby’s development becomes more rapid and you baby can be officially called a foetus. The pregnancy week by week development becomes faster, and each and every body parts of your baby at 8 weeks looks prominent. Although, these body parts do not resemble the body parts in a fully developed fetus, they can successfully serve the purpose.

Your baby at 8th week of pregnancy

Your baby at pregnancy week 8 is tiny bigger than a Peanut now, with many prominent and distinguishable body parts. It may be anywhere between 14 to 20 mm in size.You can feel its human like nature. From this point onwards your baby starts making movements, like kicking. However, it is too tiny to make you perceive its kick.

Development in your baby at pregnancy week 8:

  • The bones start growing strengthening
  • Joint like waists, elbows and shoulders are distinguishable
  • The pituitary glands are developing
  • The intestines grow, and connects to the umbilical chord
  • The body, which was curves so long, becomes straight.
  • The skin grows slowly
  • Eyelids develop, and so does the two tiny little ears.
  • The tip of its nose has already formed
  • The lungs are in its preliminary stage and it connects to the throat.

Changes in you in pregnancy week 8:

  • You breasts pains
  • It has become slightly bigger in size
  • Your waist gets thicker
  • You may go through mild abdominal cramp
  • You start suffering from mild lower back ache.

Precautions you can take when you get 8 week pregnant:

  • Start going for regular back pain exercises. This will avoid harsh back pain in the latter part of the pregnancy
  • Buy enough maternity clothes
  • Use pregnancy pillows, as that would reduce pain in your limbs

Pregnancy at 7 Weeks

Now you are 7 weeks pregnant and you are totally sure about your pregnancy. With hormones like progesterone and estrogen running in your body, you tend to feel tired very easily. With the help of these typical pregnancy hormones, your baby at 7 weeks now looks like a human fetus.

Development of your baby at 7 weeks:

  • The heart now has four chambers and has regular beats
  • Tiny lungs , muscles and bones are already forming
  • The hands and legs are now taking proper shape
  • The brains are now developing three district areas in it- the forebrain, mid brain and hind brain
  • Face is now developing small facial and oral cavities.

How your baby looks when you are 7 weeks pregnant:

  • The baby is like the size of a small red kidney bean 0.5 inches long
  • But it has distinct little arms and feet
  • The head is larger than its trunk, separated by the newly developed neck
  • It has very tiny (may be microscopic) lips and tongue
  • The sex glands are also developing in the baby; however, it’s too early to determine the sex right now.
  • Your baby makes slight movements when you are seven weeks pregnant. The ultrasound scan can detect the movements of the baby.
  • The nutrition is still supplied from the yolk sac although the placenta is developing slowly. In a few days, the yolk sac will perish and the food will be supplied by the placenta

If this is your first pregnancy, then you may take a look at the mirror and you might notice a tiny pooch in the lower part of your abdomen. Though, your waist continues to grow, you do not need maternity clothes yet. This expansion of your skin is not due to the growth of the baby, but due to hormonal changes.

Other changes in you in pregnancy at week 7:

  • You salivate more
  • More frequent nausea and vomiting
  • You go through more heart burns
  • You may feel like urinating more than what is normal for you (ones in every 20 minutes)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Pregnancy at 6 Weeks

At pregnancy at 6 weeks, you start gaining weight. It is not because your baby has grown too big, but because of the effects of certain pregnancy hormones. Apart from weight-gain, you may experience new kinds of disorders like nausea and morning sickness. In case this is your first pregnancy, you may feel very uncomfortable.

Your baby at 6 weeks is 5 mm in size, or roughly half the size of a pea. It has increased by a few millimeters from the last week. The heart beat of your baby can be felt and heard with the help of an ultrasound scan. It can be measured by reading its size right from its head till its buttocks.

Development of your baby when you are 6 weeks pregnant:

  • The buds of its feet and arms grow slightly bigger. However, the toes and the fingers cannot be distinguished
  • It can now respond to some stimuli, as the central nervous system now connects to the various nascent muscles.
  • Tiny holes are formed in the both sides of the head, which develops into ears
  • Dark marks arise in those parts of the faces where eyes and nose are located
  • Blood starts circulating very efficiently all over the body
  • The baby’s heart starts beating at the rate of 100 to 140 times in a minute

Changes that you will go through during pregnancy week 6:

  • Your waist will start growing thicker, as the size and shape of your uterus is now changing
  • You may gain 3 to 6 pounds, and it will expand in pregnancy week by week 6
  • You will go through frequent vomiting, exhaustion etc.
  • Your uterus grows bigger, quite like a size of a peach.
  • Your breasts become tenderer.
  • Many a times, the area around your nipples darkens in colour pregnancy 6 weeks onwards.

However, amidst all the excitement, you must keep a few things in mind. This is the time when you go through rapid weight-gain. Therefore, going by the common belief, that "you need food for two", do not over eat. Instead, eat normal and healthy food, otherwise you might get fatter. You require more calories only after the sixth month of pregnancy. Even though your appetite will increase, try eating small, frequent and healthy meals.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pregnancy at 5 Weeks

It has been more than five weeks since you had your last periods. You did not go through any of your typical PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), instead had some unusual problems like headache, vomiting-sensation, excessive mood swing and so on. Congrats! You can now be sure that you are pregnant. Probably, this is your pregnancy week 5.

Your baby at 5 weeks

You little embryo, is not bigger than a grain of rice right now. This prawn-shaped curved little being, may be small, but consists of all the main body components. These are a small streak of nervous system, little buds of hands and legs and other important parts of the body. The brain is already on the process of developing.

Development of your baby when you are 5 weeks pregnant

  • This embryo is attached to your umbilical-cord or placenta.
  • It has a head and a tail
  • Your baby has a little heart, which starts pumping during pregnancy at week 5
  • Small blood vessels can be detected under the microscope
  • The central nervous system is already developing
  • The baby starts breathing through the placenta and the amniotic sac

Changes that you go through during pregnancy at week 5

  • The discarded follicles start producing the hormone progesterone, to keep the womb intact and protected.
  • The placenta also produces a small amount of progesterone.

However, one has to keep in mind that a lot of risk and complications are associated with pregnancy that can come to surface from the fifth week. The embryo, which is supposed to develop inside the uterus, is likely to grow in the Fallopian tube, outside the uterus and rarely in the cervix, abdomen and ovaries. It can lead to internal bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal bleeding etc. It is not diagnosed early, it can be very dangerous (or even fatal) for the mother. It can either be treated by surgery or by methotrexate.

Therefore, in case you go through any pain or vaginal bleeding, consult the doctor immediately.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Pregnancy at 4 Weeks, 4th Week Pregnancy

The 4th week pregnancy marks higher level of human chorionic gonadotrophin secretion in the early morning. This is a common pregnancy hormone that is secreted at a regular basis, once the implantation is executed successfully. Therefore, from the fourth week onwards, a home pregnancy test can yield the accurate result. This stage finally brings you out of the confusion regarding your pregnancy status.

Significance of pregnancy at 4 weeks

•higher level of himan chorionic gonadotrophin secretion
•A mucus develops at the mouth of the uterus, to protect the young fetus from other infections
•The cell division and multiplication starts intensifying
•The three layers of cells are formed

  • The outer layer or ectoderm, that later becomes the baby’s brain, skin, nerves, nose and teeth
  • The inner layer or endoderm, that turns into the baby’s digestive system, liver, lungs
  • The middle layer or mesoderm, that turns out to be the baby’s blood vessels, bones and muscles

•The morula tapers into a thinner shape
•The chromosomes start developing in the cells
•Many vascular vessels carrying your blood are now being reached to your baby

Your baby at 4 weeks is too tiny (0.078 inches) to make you feel its presence. But slowly week by week, pregnancy becomes physically more perceptible. Pregnancy week 4 confirms your pregnancy as you miss your menses.

Right from the time you are week 4 pregnant, you should follow a few tips, so that your pregnancy, week by week, becomes healthier and delightful.

1.follow pregnancy exercise regime under supervision of a doctor or a good fitness trainer
2.Drink a lot of water and good nutritious diet, to avoid stretch marks, and make yourself and your baby healthy
3.Take vitamins, but be careful about all other medicines that you take as they can cause side-effects on the baby.
4.Quit smoking, drinking or doping at least during this period
5.Read books on pregnancy, look at good thing. Avoid anything too harsh or scary.
6.Keep your mind, thoughts, and mood bright and healthy

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pregnancy at 1-3 Weeks

Pregnancy at 1-3 weeks cannot be generally distinguished from another normal day of your life. This is because, you start getting a feel about pregnancy when you miss your menses. And by the time, you miss your periods you are already five weeks pregnant. In this way the first three weeks go unnoticed!


Your pregnancy starts the moment when one out of thousand of sperms, reaches the uterus and fertilizes the egg. The head of the sperm is separated from the tail, the moment it fuses with the egg. This is actually the first stage of your baby’s life, which is scientifically termed as zygote. In a few days, with a more rigorous cell division, the fertilized egg slowly transforms into a cluster of cells, it is termed as morula.


In the second week of your pregnancy, the implantation starts taking place. Implantation is the process in which the morula starts reaching the uterus, and deeply slides inside the walls of the uterus. At this point, it is called blastocyst. At this stage, this cluster of cells or blastocyst, develops an outer layer that becomes the placenta and amniotic sac, and an inner layer that develops into the embryo. This process takes seven to ten days.


The successful implantation marks the actual beginning of your pregnancy. You may even get pregnancy symptoms like slight bleeding during implantation. If this is your first pregnancy, you are likely to overlook it, but this bleeding is the first sign of your baby at 1-3weeks. This makes you aware that you are pregnant.

Some of you might feel that you are pregnant right from day one. Others may not feel it for several weeks. But a few early signs of pregnancy may help you to think the right way.
Are you having mood swing?
Or suffering from breast tenderness?
Are you not getting the monthly PMS?
And then you finally skipped your menses.
Your pregnancy hormones like colostrums, estrogen and progesterone start secreting as you are 1-3 weeks pregnant.
If you are still uncertain about your status, go for at home-pregnancy-test, more than ones, as it may not be accurate in the initial pregnancy weeks. This is due to the relatively low secretion of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), a typical pregnancy hormone detected from women’s urine.