Saturday, July 17, 2010

Pregnancy at 5 Weeks

It has been more than five weeks since you had your last periods. You did not go through any of your typical PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome), instead had some unusual problems like headache, vomiting-sensation, excessive mood swing and so on. Congrats! You can now be sure that you are pregnant. Probably, this is your pregnancy week 5.

Your baby at 5 weeks

You little embryo, is not bigger than a grain of rice right now. This prawn-shaped curved little being, may be small, but consists of all the main body components. These are a small streak of nervous system, little buds of hands and legs and other important parts of the body. The brain is already on the process of developing.

Development of your baby when you are 5 weeks pregnant

  • This embryo is attached to your umbilical-cord or placenta.
  • It has a head and a tail
  • Your baby has a little heart, which starts pumping during pregnancy at week 5
  • Small blood vessels can be detected under the microscope
  • The central nervous system is already developing
  • The baby starts breathing through the placenta and the amniotic sac

Changes that you go through during pregnancy at week 5

  • The discarded follicles start producing the hormone progesterone, to keep the womb intact and protected.
  • The placenta also produces a small amount of progesterone.

However, one has to keep in mind that a lot of risk and complications are associated with pregnancy that can come to surface from the fifth week. The embryo, which is supposed to develop inside the uterus, is likely to grow in the Fallopian tube, outside the uterus and rarely in the cervix, abdomen and ovaries. It can lead to internal bleeding, pain in the lower abdomen, vaginal bleeding etc. It is not diagnosed early, it can be very dangerous (or even fatal) for the mother. It can either be treated by surgery or by methotrexate.

Therefore, in case you go through any pain or vaginal bleeding, consult the doctor immediately.

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