Thursday, July 15, 2010

Pregnancy at 1-3 Weeks

Pregnancy at 1-3 weeks cannot be generally distinguished from another normal day of your life. This is because, you start getting a feel about pregnancy when you miss your menses. And by the time, you miss your periods you are already five weeks pregnant. In this way the first three weeks go unnoticed!


Your pregnancy starts the moment when one out of thousand of sperms, reaches the uterus and fertilizes the egg. The head of the sperm is separated from the tail, the moment it fuses with the egg. This is actually the first stage of your baby’s life, which is scientifically termed as zygote. In a few days, with a more rigorous cell division, the fertilized egg slowly transforms into a cluster of cells, it is termed as morula.


In the second week of your pregnancy, the implantation starts taking place. Implantation is the process in which the morula starts reaching the uterus, and deeply slides inside the walls of the uterus. At this point, it is called blastocyst. At this stage, this cluster of cells or blastocyst, develops an outer layer that becomes the placenta and amniotic sac, and an inner layer that develops into the embryo. This process takes seven to ten days.


The successful implantation marks the actual beginning of your pregnancy. You may even get pregnancy symptoms like slight bleeding during implantation. If this is your first pregnancy, you are likely to overlook it, but this bleeding is the first sign of your baby at 1-3weeks. This makes you aware that you are pregnant.

Some of you might feel that you are pregnant right from day one. Others may not feel it for several weeks. But a few early signs of pregnancy may help you to think the right way.
Are you having mood swing?
Or suffering from breast tenderness?
Are you not getting the monthly PMS?
And then you finally skipped your menses.
Your pregnancy hormones like colostrums, estrogen and progesterone start secreting as you are 1-3 weeks pregnant.
If you are still uncertain about your status, go for at home-pregnancy-test, more than ones, as it may not be accurate in the initial pregnancy weeks. This is due to the relatively low secretion of human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), a typical pregnancy hormone detected from women’s urine.

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