Saturday, July 31, 2010

Pregnancy at week 10

Pregnancy 10 weeks brings about a lot of human like developments in its body. It starts behaving like a human and adopts typical human behavior like urinating. The fluid, namely the amniotic fluid, in which it grows, is composed mainly of its urine. The baby undergoes several exciting developments which could fascinate you a lot if this is your first pregnancy. Your baby has now crossed the stage of embryonic period and has entered the fetal period.

Development in the baby during pregnancy at 10 weeks

  • It can now chew and even suck its fingers. Many babies, who are born with the habit of sucking fingers, were actually habituated with it since you were only 10 weeks pregnant.
  • It may even have its own distinct fingerprints
  • The brain structure is now complete
  • Its tooth sockets are formed
  • Although the placenta has not yet formed, the umbilical cord is fully developed to circulate blood.
  • The muscles of her intestines and stomach are in order to function normally
  • Though its genitals are not fully developed, and its gender cannot be determined, the basic male/ female characteristics are now apparent, because of the presence of sexual hormones.

Appearance of your baby at 10 weeks:

  • Your baby is a little more than an inch, when you are 10 weeks pregnant.
  • It is about 31 to 40 mm long, like a typical lemon.
  • The head is still relatively larger than the rest of its body
  • The eyes shifts from the side of its head towards the front
  • Its eyelids are now developed
  • Its fingers are now separated
  • Overall, it now looks a little more like a human.

You must keep in mind that though your baby is now free from the congenital malformations (the risk that prevails till the ninth week), certain activities like exposure to smoking and alcohol, can still be dangerous. So the mom must be careful from now on. It is your responsibility to protect your baby. The problems that you face now are very similar to those you had faced when you were nine weeks pregnant.

For more detail information about Pregnancy at 10 Weeks, visit here

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